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Many members of the team were grievously wounded physically and mentally in World War I, but embarked on the adventure anyway. They were a part of a generation of postwar stoics, including Charles Howard Bury, a member of the expedition, famous for killing a tiger that had eaten 21 Hindu holy men; John Hazard, who climbed to the north coll of Everest in 1924 with open bleeding wounds from the Battle of the Somme; and Gen. Charles Bruce, whose legs were almost shot off at Gallipoli and would nevertheless run up and down the Khyber Pass for exercise.. wholesale jerseys The FutureThe Boston Red Sox and Chicago Cubs share many characteristics; long traditions of failure, pokey old stadiums, teams chock full of expensive veterans and fanatical fans (like those at Sox Suck). And despite everyone's best efforts, none of that really looks like changing. The only way either team looks likely to get to the Fall Classic would be if both were to do it; even then, don't b...